The Scioto Darby Road and Main Street roundabout will be undergoing island work starting 9 p.m. Friday, June 11 until 5 a.m. Monday, June 14.
The inside lane will be closed as crews work on the north splitter island portion of the roundabout.
Due to inclement weather the weekend of June 18, construction will now continue 9 a.m. Friday, June 25 through 5 a.m. Tuesday, June 29.
Once completed, the central island will promote safer driving and reduce speeds at the roundabout.
Reference both diagrams below for more details, including traffic patterns and detours.
The exterior north-south lanes will always remain open and vehicles can make right turns at every approach. High School Drive will be the posted detour route for southbound and eastbound traffic trying to get to Scioto Darby Road east of Main St.