Council, RPAC Hear Results of Rec & Parks/Community Center Survey

A boy sliding down a blue slide

Many Hilliard residents have long said it would be wonderful to have a modern community center similar to those offered in neighboring cities. Many residents also have plenty of opinions about what the community needs in terms of trails, parks, and athletic fields.

In the past few months, the City has been performing a feasibility study to determine if it would be practical to construct and operate a community center, perhaps along the lines as those offered in Westerville, Dublin, and Worthington. We also have performed resident surveys and focus groups to identify what kinds of recreation and parks amenities our community desires most. This research included a regional market assessment that examine the types of recreational facilities, programs, and services needed in Hilliard and nearby communities.

The results of the survey and market study were presented to the Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee and to attending members of City Council at an RPAC committee meeting April 14.

The community is encouraged to review the results of the survey and follow the ongoing dialogue about the future of recreation and parks (and a potential new community center). Find more details at

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