City Communicators Win Three Savvy Awards

community relations team with savvy awards

The City of Hilliard Community Relations Department received three national Savvy Awards last week from the City-County Communications & Marketing Association (3CMA) at that organization’s annual conference in Portland.

Savvy Awards are the first-place prize in each category.

The Savvy Awards recognize outstanding local government achievements in communications, public-sector marketing, and resident-government relationships. The awards salute skilled and effective city, county, agency, and district professionals who have creatively planned and carried out successful innovations in communications and marketing.

More than 640 entries were entered in 39 categories in the competition.

The City received Savvy awards for the following communication and resident engagement initiatives:

  • “Path to Possibilities,” the communication and resident engagement plan and the associated deliverables that ensured our residents were informed voters during the 2021 Issue 22 campaign in the “Resident Participation” category;
  • “Plowy McPlowface,” the project that involved our community in naming Hilliard’s snowplows as part of the City’s online vehicle tracking system in the “Most Creative Activity With Least Dollars Spent” category; and
  • “Cop Couture,” highlighting and explaining the diverse uniforms of the City’s police officers, in the “Marketing and Tools: Government Service and Delivery Community Issue” category.

3CMA is the nation’s premiere network of local government communicators. The organization was founded in 1988 on the philosophy that communications and marketing are essential to helping governments engage and build stronger relationships with their residents.

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