Let’s Talk Trash

Illustration of someone shouting 'let's talk about trash', surrounded by various trash

Trash is often one of the “hottest” topics in local government. We took the time to address Hilliard’s top trash topics and questions below.

In Hilliard, trash, recycling and yard waste are collected every Tuesday, except for on certain holidays (those that fall on Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday), which are noted here.

  1. My trash can is broken – how do I get a replacement container?
    Oh no! We’ll get right on that. Please call (614) 876-7361, ext 311. The City replaces these on Wednesdays and Thursdays once scheduled.
  2. What can I recycle?
    Plastic bottles, jugs, tubs (lids and labels on them are fine), broken down cardboard boxes, paper, all colors of glass bottles/jars, metal cans (remove aerosol tips) and rinsed cartons can all be recycled. Please be sure to leave all recycled items LOOSE in your recycling container. Do not bag your recycling.
  3. I’d like to recycle more but need a larger recycling container.
    Hilliard provides 65-gallon recycling containers to each household (35-gallon for condos). To encourage residents to recycle, the City will swap your 65-gallon recycling container with a 95-gallon container for FREE! Just call (614) 876-7361, ext. 311, to get on the schedule!
  4. What about plastic grocery bags?
    Most grocery stores have receptacles for recycling plastic grocery bags. Please do not recycle these with your weekly residential recycling.
  5. What trash items require a bulk pickup to be scheduled with Local Waste Services?
    Residents need to schedule and prepay for any freon-based appliance, such as refrigerators and air conditioners, that need to be discarded. Call Local Waste Services at (614) 409-9375 to make these arrangements.
  6. What about furniture or excess trash that doesn’t fit in my trash container?
    Anything that cannot fit in your trash can and is a normal household item, such as furniture or appliances, does not require a bulk pickup request. Please seal all mattresses and box springs in plastic for removal. Local Waste Services recommends buying a “bed in a bag” from any grocery store. If you have excess trash bags that do not fit into your trash container, these items will be serviced with normal trash collection (within reason).
  7. I’m moving and have A LOT of excess trash. What should I do?
    Local Waste Services will remove large amounts of trash but will charge an additional fee. If you are unsure if your excess trash requires prepayment for pickup, email a photo of the prepared pile to info@localwasteservices.com along with the pickup address for a price quote.
  8. How do I dispose of batteries?
    Alkaline batteries can be discarded with your household trash. All other batteries could cause a fire if included in normal trash. Please dispose of these batteries at SWACO’s Household Hazardous Waste facility at 645 E. 8th Avenue in Columbus.
  9. What do I do when I keep having too much trash to fit into my container?
    Sounds like you need an upsized trash container! Any resident can upsize their 65-gallon trash container to a 95-gallon container for a one-time $50 fee. To get this scheduled, please call (614) 876-7361, ext. 311.
  10. Where do I pay for my normal trash services?
    The City of Hilliard Finance Department handles trash billing. Hilliard mails paper bills twice a year, every January and July for six-month periods. Call (614) 334-1209 if you have questions about your bill or payment history. Payments can be made online at hilliardohio.gov/trash, by mail, or in person at 3800 Municipal Way.
  11. How do I start composting?
    Composted materials can be dropped off any time at the composting station at 3740 Municipal Way. Fruit and vegetable pieces, coffee grounds, tea bags, grains, pasta, baked goods, beans, eggs, eggshells, nuts, dairy and any cooked meat can be composted. To learn more about composting and register for a composting bucket, visit us online at hilliardohio.gov/gozero-community-composting-program.

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