The Street Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program (SMRP) is an annual Capital Improvement Project that consists of maintaining and improving the roadway for the safety of the traveling public. The Street Maintenance & Rehabilitation Program runs from late spring until late fall. Projects include resurfacing of various arterial and residential streets, pavement maintenance, sidewalk and curb ramp reconstruction, spot curb repairs, trail maintenance, and crack sealing.
The City is responsible for maintaining approximately 139 miles of roadway. The cost of the 2024 SMRP program is around $3.4 million. This year’s program will consist of resurfacing, roundabout modifications, micro-surfacing and crosswalk improvements.
Learn more about the Citywide Street Rehabilitation Program here:
The following roads are included in the 2024 Street Maintenance & Rehabilitation program.
Crack sealing treatments involves using an air compressor to clean out the cracks in the pavement and then uses an applicator to inject highly elastic rubberized material into the cracks to prevent or reduce the intrusion of water and incompressible materials. The benefits of crack sealing include decreasing further crack deterioration, protecting the pavement structure from moisture damage, and ultimately extending the pavement life.
For cracks greater than 1.5” and pavement damage of depths up to two inches, Crack Fill with Mastic is formulated for distresses larger than those typically repaired by crack sealing, but smaller than those requiring remove and replace patching procedures. Crack Fill with Mastic is a hot-applied, pourable patching material composed of highly modified polymer asphalt binder and durable lightweight construction aggregate.
Microsurfacing is the most economical choice for preserving pavement. This mixture of polymer modified asphalt emulsion, fine graded crushed aggregate, and mineral filler, creates a hard asphalt wearing surface. When applied over asphalt beginning to show signs of distress, Microsurfacing seals the surface from moisture intrusion, preventing future oxidation of the pavement. This wearing course adds increased skid resistance, improves overall ride quality, and restores a uniform black appearance to the roadway.
A cape seal is a roadway surface treatment designed to extend the life of pavements in fair to good condition, consisting of a chip seal treatment, which is then covered by a slurry seal or Microsurfacing treatment. Chipseal is a pavement surface treatment that combines one or more layers of asphalt emulsion or modified performance grade asphalt with one or more layers of fine aggregate. This technique seals the pavement with an impermeable and skid resistant layer wearing course. The benefits of cape seal include sealing moderate cracks, providing skid resistance, sealing the pavement against moisture intrusion, protecting the roadway from further oxidation and raveling, and restoring the uniform black appearance.
A pavement rejuvenator is a spray used on relatively new roadway surfaces to reverse the effects of aging due to environmental damage from sunlight and water. It improves the durability of the pavement by providing a surface seal that reduces water penetration as well as restoring essential oils to the asphalt, thus extending the life of the roadway. Once the initial treatment is applied, a thin layer of sand is applied to assist in curing and preparing the road for traffic. The curing can take three to four hours. During curing, the road should not be driven on. The sand is swept up after three to five days.
With this treatment, the existing layer of asphalt is removed by grinding the surface – or milling it – and then applying a new surface layer of asphalt. After the milling, repairs are typically made to the base pavement before the final asphalt surface is applied. It is during this treatment that curb repairs are also made and curb ramps are brought up to ADA compliance. Typically, cars may drive on the road once milled, but traffic may be restricted for some of the curb and pavement repairs. There can be a period of several weeks between the milling phase and installation of the new surface.
The factors used to prioritize and select streets for inclusion in the program include:
No, your trash date will remain the same. Also, the roadway will be maintained for deliveries, bus traffic and emergency vehicles at all times. The Hilliard police and fire crews know that they can drive through construction zones at any time of day or night to access your property.
No, your trash date will remain the same. Also, the roadway will be maintained for deliveries, bus traffic and emergency vehicles at all times. The Hilliard police and fire crews know that they can drive through construction zones at any time of day or night to access your property.
You can check out the SMRP Location Map to see which streets will be serviced this year.
Access to your street, and sometimes your driveway, may be obstructed during construction hours. If your street is being resurfaced or receiving crack seal, every effort is made to keep access to your home available. There are brief periods when the asphalt has just been placed and is extremely hot, that the contractor may close access to your street. This is for your benefit as well as the benefit of the road. For streets receiving rejuvenation or other surface treatments, vehicles must be kept off the surface for several hours while the product cures. You will be notified several days prior to any road closures or access limitations. We recommend that if you have any pressing appointments, that you park your vehicle on a nearby street where work is not planned to ensure you will be able to leave when necessary. Please minimize on-street parking in the work zone when possible and follow the “no parking” signs in the work areas.
Within the City of Hilliard, construction activity is restricted to the hours from 7:30 A.M. to 7:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday, unless the contractor receives written authorization for extended hours from the City Manager.
If you have a sprinkler system or electric dog fence immediately behind the curb, please notify Roberta Barkhimer at or 614-334-2440 as soon as possible. Please have the irrigation system or dog fence marked prior to construction activities. The contractor will be notified so they can use caution during curb removal or other work in the vicinity. Should the contractor damage your sprinkler system or dog fence after the City is notified and the irrigation system or dog fence was marked as requested, the contractor will repair it to its original condition as soon as possible.
On streets being resurfaced or receiving other surface treatments, damaged curb sections will be replaced prior to the surface treatments. Lawn areas affected by the curb replacements will be fully restored. If you have landscaping in the right-of-way, you may want to remove it prior to construction, and replace it at the completion of the project. Any landscaping in the right-of-way that is removed by the construction contractor will not be replaced. Additional information will be provided by the contractor or City’s representative prior to curb or sidewalk removals.
For the Street Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program, we may perform the following:
Crack Seal, Crack Fill with Mastic, Microsurfacing, Cape Seal, Pavement Rejuvenation, Mill and Overlay, and Full Street Reconstruction.
For additional information about the Street Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program (SMRP), you may contact Roberta Barkhimer, Transportation Asset Manager, at or 614-334-2440.
City Hall and Admin
3800 Municipal Way
Hilliard, OH 43026
(614) 876-7361
Hilliard Mayor’s Court
5171 Northwest Parkway
Hilliard, OH 43026
(614) 334-2348
Division of Police
5171 Northwest Parkway
Hilliard, OH 43026
Police Assistance
(614) 876-7321
Police Records and General Assistance
(614) 876-2429
Norwich Township Fire
5181 Northwest Parkway
Hilliard, OH 43026
(614) 876-7694
Hilliard Recreation & Parks
3800 Veterans Memorial Dr
Hilliard, OH 43026
(614) 876-5200
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