Yard Waste: What To Do With It

Photo of yard waste containers filled with sticks and a bag of leaves

As the weather improves and more residents are getting outside to do yard work, you might find yourself with some unwanted tree limbs, brush, and leaves.

The City’s curbside chipper service for large limbs starts April 17. So what should you do with unwanted yard waste in the meantime?

We recommend cutting tree limbs into lengths less than 4 feet and placing the trimmings in a trash bin labeled “yard waste.” Items such as leaves, grass clippings, small sticks, and other plant materials can be bagged and placed at the curb. Each Tuesday, Local Waste Services will collect the yard waste bins and paper bags along with trash and recycling.

If you’re just looking for a way to get rid of clippings and leaves, consider doing this in your own backyard!

  • Work grass clippings and leaves into your soil by mixing 2 or 3 inches directly into the top 6 inches of your garden beds.
  • Use grass clippings and leaves as a mulch. Add an inch-thick layer around flowers, trees, shrubs, and vegetables to promote butterflies and beneficial insects.
  • Add grass clippings and leaves to your compost pile. Grass clippings provide the compost with nitrogen. Dry leaves bring carbon to the mix. Together, these garden wastes create an environment that keeps composting microorganisms going strong.

More information about waste disposal services can be found on our website. Hilliard’s Trash and Recycling | Residents | City of Hilliard (hilliardohio.gov)

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