If you’re a Hilliard trail user, we want your feedback as part of our Hellbranch Trail survey!
The City of Hilliard plans to resurface Heritage Club Drive in 2025 and in the public input phase, we are collecting information that will help us determine the best path moving forward. The existing wide sidewalk along Heritage Club Drive serves pedestrians and bicyclists that live in the area as well as through users on the Hellbranch Trail.
As part of the resurfacing project, there is an opportunity to reallocate space on Heritage Club Drive that would:
- Create an on-street two-way separated bike lane along Heritage Club Drive to separate cyclists from pedestrians.
- Enhance the City’s connected bike network.
- Slow vehicle speeds on Heritage Club Drive by narrowing vehicle lanes and eliminating the center turn lane. The current wide pavement encourages faster speeds and is not needed based on the typical traffic demand on the street.
Take the two-minute survey here!
Traffic Volume Data
Current average daily traffic volume on Heritage Club Drive is less than 750 vehicles, considerably less than most residential collector or mixed-use streets.
Existing Speed Data
Speed limit: 25 mph
85thpercentile speed: 23-29 mph
Average speed: 19-23 mph