Hilliard Police planning Drug Take Back Day Oct. 28

Gather your unused, expired, and unwanted medications for safe disposal.

The City of Hilliard Division of Police is joining other communities for the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.

The event will take place Saturday, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Residents can use a simple drive-thru service at the police department, located at 5171 Northwest Parkway, to drop off their unwanted or expired medications in pill form.

The disposal service is free and anonymous for consumers, with no questions asked. Only pills are accepted. No needles, sharps, asthma inhalers, and illicit drugs will be accepted at the drop box. Residents are asked to black out any personal information — including names and address — marked on prescription bottles before bringing in the items.

HPD also has a prescription drug drop-off box in the lobby of the Safety Services Building for residents to bring in unwanted medications in pill or capsule form throughout the year.

For additional details about proper medication disposal, including other resources, visit www.SWACO.org.

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