Members of the City of Hilliard Division of Police are freezin’ for a reason once again.
Several officers will be participating in the 2023 Columbus Polar Plunge for Special Olympics as part of Team Bobcats in support of Hilliard Special Olympics.
This year’s plunge will take place Feb. 11 at Field, 96 Columbus Crew Way, Columbus.
Officer Brandon Long, who serves as a coach with Hilliard Special Olympics, said it’s an event the staff and athletes look forward to every year.
Last year the Hilliard team raised enough money to pay the entry fees for 50 athletes, four unified partners, and 20 coaches to attend State Summer Games weekend at The Ohio State University, said Officer Long.
“This year we want to raise more to pay for the entire weekend, including entry fees, bus transportation, opening ceremonies tees, pizza party, food, and drinks for the entire weekend,” said Long.
The team’s goal is $15,000.
New in 2023 is the Too Chicken to Plunge option, which allows volunteers to join the team, raise money for athletes, join the team the day of the event, but skip the plunge.
The team consistently is ranked among top donors in the state. Support the Bobcats by joining the team or donating.
“This is a great way for us to connect with the program and our residents,” said Officer Long.